Hiking New Zealand’s Stunning Routeburn track


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The Routeburn Track is arguably the most beautiful multi-day walking track in New Zealand.

I am fairly new to the world of multi-day walks. It’s something my partner and I like to do together….. couples that sweat together, stay together – isn’t that what they say?? I know groups of girlfriends that tackle multi-day walks and I would love to plan one of those. I have to admit though, that I like the slightly posh version of multi-days walks, where a comfy bed and a lovely meal are waiting for you at the end of a long days walk. Bonus, you don’t have to carry your food and bedding – the packs are heavy enough!

In January 2020, before the world shut its doors for a little while, we tackled the Routeburn track near Queenstown in New Zealand’s South Island. We combined the walk with a few lovely days in Queenstown but more on that in another post.

The Routeburn track is a 33 km, 3-day walk through the Fiordland and Mt Aspiring National Parks. We chose Ultimate Hikes for our walk and would highly recommend them if interested in walks in NZ.

Routeburn Track, New Zealand, Ultimate Hikes, snow-capped mountains,
Stunning views

I wasn’t sure what to expect on this walk but was hoping for a little snow…. but not too much! My dentist told me he had done this walk a few months earlier and the snow was so heavy, the walkers had to be choppered to the next nights lodge and missed a days walk.

Day 1

Stunning scenery as you make your way up to Key Summit and Lake Howden. The snow-capped mountains satisfied my desire to see snow. After a lunch break with breathtaking views, you make way past Earland Falls where you stop for afternoon tea at your own pace, then onto the Lodge for your first night.

After walking 12 kms, and some of it quite challenging with rocky, uneven paths, you arrive to a hot shower, glass of wine and delicious dinner cooked for you. Generally, everyone is so knackered, it is an early night after dinner and a bit of a chat with the other walkers.

Native bird New Zealand, cheeky bird,
Kea bird

Make sure not to leave your shoes outside though, NZ have a native bird called the Kea that will rip them to shreds! They will attempt to open your room door to get to any food you may have…. we heard them!

Day 2

An 11 km walk from Lake Mackenzie, with a lunch stop at Harris Saddle, past Conical Hill to the second night’s accommodation at Routeburn Falls in the Routeburn Valley.

Day 3

Our last day saw us leave Routeburn Valley and walk an easy 9 kms to the end of the track where a bus was waiting to take us back to our accommodation. We stayed at an amazing hotel that night overlooking the rapids that we went jet boating on a few days earlier. We put the spa to good use that night, easing tired muscles.

Can you think of a better way to keep fit than walking amongst all that stunning scenery? My partner has also walked the Milford Track and his preference was for the Routeburn. I am not the fittest person by any means, and some of the walk was challenging but I think if you are moderately fit and don’t have walking or mobility issues, then you would be able to tackle this walk.

We have done the Three Capes Track in Tasmania and are booked in to do the Overland track in January 2025!.

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Postcard from Abroad - Travel Blog about travelling with girl friends over 50.