Pack your bags, grab your bestie and see the world!

Deb's personal travel blog
Deb's personal travel blog

Follow me to share our travel experiences, places my friends and I have loved. Laugh at some mistakes we’ve made along the way as we share our travel hints and tips.

Most Recent Trip...

Most Recent Trip...

Hi! I'm Deb

I’m over 50 and this travel blog is a passion project of mine.
Like you, I have put in the hard yards – raised a family, run a household, and held down a job.

Now is our time – We’ve earned it!

Join me and my friends as we travel and explore the world. I’ll share my favourite destinations and travel tips as well as places and experiences that I was not too impressed with. I will always give an honest review. Share in our adventures, laugh, and learn from our mistakes along the way.

Discover just how much fun a trip with your bestie can be!

Debra Morrow Travel Blog - Akrotiri Village Santorini Greek Islands

About my Travel Blog

Postcards from Abroad was born from a desire to share the fun and amazing experiences that can be had when you grab your best friend, jump on a plane, and see the world!

Travelling with your spouse and family is wonderful (and I will share some amazing trips I’ve had with my family), but travelling with your best friends in your 40’s and 50’s, is an adventure!

We are old enough and wise enough to know our limitations but young enough to desire adventure, fun and new experiences.

These are the trips that will have you crying laughing every time you think about them!

Join me and my best friends as we travel the world, see new things, meet new people and wet our pants laughing along the way!

Why I Travel

I work full-time in education, so my travel is generally restricted to the school holidays. Anyone else in education will know, there’s not a lot of money in it! However, with planning, budgeting, and a strong desire, I manage to fit in several trips a year.

If I can do it, then you can too!

My hope is to inspire other women my age to get out and see the world, whether you have a partner or not, whether you are working full-time or not, whether you are an empty nester or not. The world is an amazing place, full of bucket-list experiences just waiting for you to tick them off.

Deb Morrow in Halki Village, Naxos under a pink bougainvillea

I share my travel experiences, my top travel tips, some of my favourite destinations as well as things to be aware of or to avoid.

What's in this Travel Blog?

Debra Morrow Travel Blogger Santorini Greek Islands

Whilst I’m at the beginning of my blogging journey, I have found blogging to be a digital combination of my two other loves, scrapbooking and photography.

My travel experiences are varied, from travelling on a tight budget to luxury destinations, from active holidays to let’s-do-not-much-of-anything relaxing holidays, from organized tours to plan your own itinerary holidays. You will find something for every holiday budget, and every vacation style in this blog. (Probably not too many adrenaline junkie type of holidays here – although, having said that, I have white-water rafted down the mighty Zambezi!)

My writing style is quite light-hearted, I don’t take myself too seriously. I have made a goose of myself on more than a few occasions while travelling, and I’m happy to share those experiences too. We learn from our mistakes – that’s the teacher in me talking!

Here is where you can read about our latest adventures. As fast as my little fingers can type it, I will drop new blog posts here, so you can have up-to date information to inspire your next vacation.

Whether you are stuck on which book to pack (and you must pack a book!), or how to squeeze that new outfit into your already bulging suitcase, or which Greek Island to choose (there are no bad choices here!), this is the place to find resources and travel tips to help you make these very important decisions

You've decided to sail the Croatian Dalmation Coast, but can't decide which cruise option to go with? Read on for information to help you decide.
History lovers rejoice! Explore these wonderful Medieval walled cities and let the history seep into your pores.
Are your fears holding you back from taking that dream vacation? I will share some advice to help overcome those fears and get you up, up and away!

Travel Plans

Next Stop on my Travels

My feet are impossibly itchy, and I am always planning my next trip. 

Here is where you will find my future travel plans and where we are off to next.

hiking, backpack, boots,

Time to shake out the backpack and dust off the boots..... getting ready to tackle Tassie's Overland Track!

Check back here, or even better, subscribe to my newsletter and I’ll let you know when a new article drops into the blog.

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Postcard from Abroad - Travel Blog about travelling with girl friends over 50.