Putting the gal in gallivanting

A travel blog for women my age who are single, independent or holidaying without their partners and heading off with their gal pals instead.

Become a Laird or Lady, Scottish land owner, Scotland
Debra Morrow Travel Blogger

The more I travel, the more confident I become as a traveller and as a person. I no longer doubt whether I will get to a destination I want to see, now it is just a matter of when.

I have worked in education my whole life. I have a love of learning, a love of creating (painting, photography, scrapbooking) and a love of travel!

I was late to discover the joys of travel

In my twenties and thirties, I was busy working and raising my kids. When I lost my husband suddenly at the age of 37, I had a real wake-up call. My husband died having never travelled anywhere or experiencing anything outside our own country. I became determined that the same would not happen to me.

So I started planning

I love the planning!

I took my kids on our first overseas holiday.

We started small and child friendly….to Fiji.

The joy of travel

Since that little trip to Fiji, I have taken the kids on a 6-week journey to the UK, France, Spain, and Austria.

I have been to South Africa and on Safari in Zimbabwe, to Greece and Italy, sailing in Croatia, Hawaii, Sweden, the USA, Turkey and Egypt.

I live in Australia, so have travelled extensively in my own country, especially during the Covid years, and visited our close neighbours, New Zealand, Bali and Vanuatu.

Family vacation, Paris with Kids, fun for the big kids too, Minnie Mouse

Travel has enriched my life so much. I have been to places that I have dreamed about visiting, but in the back of my head, thought I probably would never see.

Travelling with Friends

The trips I have taken with my good friends are some of the happiest memories I have ever made.

I am generally a fairly quiet person, unless I have had a few beverages, then all bets are off! Travelling with my friends compensates for my shyness. I meet new people, participate in activities and experiences that I otherwise wouldn’t have, because I have them by my side, cheering me on. What’s better than having your own personal cheer squad?! Your friends know you like no-one else knows you. They can make you laugh just with a look. Our trips are full of laughter! So much laughter!! Even when your life is a bit sucky, and we all have times like that in our life, time spent with our friends is soothing to the soul. 

It’s therapeutic. 

Travelling with Friends is our therapy

After a while flying solo, I entered the dating scene again in my 40’s (now that’s a topic for a whole other blog right there!). Eventually, I met my now husband. We were married a couple of years ago and he shares my love of travel. He also appreciates my independent spirit and understands my need for time dedicated to traveling with my mates.

I would like you to join me and my good friends as we embark on our next adventures. From the planning (planning is half the fun!) to the beautiful destinations.

Read our thoughts as we go along. Learn from, and laugh, at our mistakes (we will!) and hopefully gain an insight into just how wonderful a girl’s trip in your 50’s can be!

Agia Anna restaurants, Naxos, Greek Islands, Cyclades,
Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links on this blog are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. All experiences and opinions are my own, and I share them to help you make informed travel choices. I only recommend products, services, or experiences that I genuinely believe will add value to your travels. Please do your research before booking or purchasing based on your individual needs.
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Postcard from Abroad - Travel Blog about travelling with girl friends over 50.